A list of things to do instead of writing
Get drunk – I mean, we’re just starting with the basics
Get stoned – Write stoned, edit sober!
Go dancing – Find inspiration in the space between bodies
Binge watch tv – Get lost in another person’s story
Write something you’re not supposed to be writing – This one could become two mirrors facing each other as you start more projects and create more to distract yourself from them into eternity
Work out – I gained a full 20 pounds of muscle last year through procrastination
Clean your house – The bathroom alone could eat up a day
Research - Shit, you can “research” forever
Do the Internet - Instagram! Tik Tok! Snapchat! Dude, you could even go on facebook and watch our democracy fall apart. Go crazy fam!
Read a book – Words words words
Read the news – Every day a new disaster, and they are all very interesting
Take a covid test – After reading the news, I think you will probably want to take a covid test anyway sooooo…
Go on vacation – This is an expensive distraction, but a big eater of time. The world is wide.
Plan your outfits for the week – You want to look good while you don’t do the thing don’t you?
Go to the theater – See people in spaces pretend to do things just like you’re pretending to write
Go for a walk – My friend Throb told me that it helps burn abs fat
Go to the park - In 2020 I made the park my office and just sat and held court for hours and hours. Didn’t write a thing.
Catch up with friends – Conversations with loved ones can be a big help when wrestling with big ideas.
Zoom – The world is wide, but it fits on your screen
Look for new apartments – Even if you’re not moving, indulge in fantasy
Interpret your dreams – I have been lucid dreaming right now and it’s only given my mind more time to think
Watch pornography - *shrugging emoji
Do your hair – or shave your head if you are not blessed with hair
Ponder universal themes – the nature of happiness, the purpose of suffering, the undiscovered country
Compete – find a rival and outdo them!
Exact revenge – remember a slight and dig two graves!
Think – Honestly procrastination is a part of the process. Take the long road round. See what you find. Don’t beat yourself up. The ideas will come. You will get there. Relax and just think…